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'Business case gezonde en duurzame gebouwen wint sterk aan kracht'


Tim Beuker over het belang van gezonde gebouwen

The business case for healthy and sustainable buildings is gaining momentum partly due to the current 'reset' of the economy.

This is what WELL expert Tim Beuker argues. The business case and the growing importance of healthy buildings are key topics in a series of in-depth courses Beuker has developed in collaboration with the Blue Building Institute.

Business case

The growing business case is underpinned by a growing number of studies, such as recently a comprehensive study on British buildings by a team of scientists including Dutchmen Nils Kok and Piet Eicholz.

The courses will start on 10 June. Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Movement, Thermal Comfort, Sound, Materials, Mind & Community are the WELL concepts. More relevant than ever in this age of corona. The question of how we can use a building to ensure you stay healthy for longer is increasingly important.

In a series of webinars, Tim Beuker, one of the best WELL experts in the Netherlands, introduces you to the most crucial standard in health. The central theme is that knowledge of the health domain is an increasingly important skill for real estate professionals.

Tim was the first WELL AP and the first WELL Faculty Member in the Netherlands. Besides his work as WELL AP, Tim also remains involved in the further development of WELL. In doing so, he provides the International WELL Building Institute, as WELL Air & Thermal Concept Advisor, with substantive advice on thermal indoor climate and air quality.

BBI Academy, part of the Blue Building Institute helps in deepening knowledge on health and built environment with various on- and offline training opportunities. From informative webinars to intensive (online) courses.

The Blue Building Institute (BBI) is a non-profit platform, knowledge institute and incubator at the interface between human well-being and the built environment. In the Netherlands and Europe, BBI works exclusively with IWBI, which is affiliated with Green Business Certification Inc (GBCI) the leading global organisation when it comes to standards for sustainable building performance.


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Human health and well-being as a spearhead for our building and building policy. 


We build a healthy world together!


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1081GN Amsterdam



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