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blue building institute

As humans, we spend 90% of our time in and around buildings. Anyone who takes health and well-being of people in the built environment as a starting point means that everyone wins on all fronts! Also nature and environment.

It is therefore our mission to help all parties in the real estate chain with knowledge, advice and our network events. Because a healthy world is built together.


what we do

BBI Consultancy is an expert consultancy partner regarding ESG and real estate for new construction, renovation, area development and purchase and sale. We closely follow the taxonomy, CSRD and SFDR developments and supervise certification processes such as BREEAM, LEED and WELL. We have also mapped the taxonomy alignment, for example, with GRESB.

BBI Academy is an ESG knowledge platform and network organisation about 
sustainable and healthy buildings. We work with universities (including Nyenrode Business University, TU Delft, TU Eindhoven and Erasmus MC), the WHO, UN Harvard, World GBC and Delos to develop and share knowledge. We set up our library, training courses and network events to make knowledge about human health and well-being in the built environment available to the entire chain.

BBI is Cornerstone Partner of the International WELL Building Institute and has introduced the WELL Building Standard to the Dutch market since 2016.

our team

Alexandra A. Jurgens-Boot



Lawyer, Founder Boot Lawyers

CEO, Founder Blue Building Institute.


Alexandra has been a staunch supporter of a leading role for human health and well-being in the built environment for many years. She founded BBI to promote this throughout the entire chain.


Ruud R. Winter

Chief SFDR Advisor, Head Legal Team EU ESG


Mr R. R. Winter worked for 35 years as a counselor at the Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal, and was also president there. Within Europe, he trained judges in the application of European Union law, which also includes European sustainability regulations, such as the SFDR.


Joanneke van Wijk

ESG Compliance Specialist

Legal Team EU ESG

Head of Academy


Joanneke knows the SFDR and RTS like no other. With her broad legal, strategic and ICT knowledge, she always knows how to give meaningful and practical interpretation to SFDR, ESG and compliant reporting challenges. In her assignments, she also includes other ESG regulations, such as the CSRD.


Marcia Schless

BBI Advisory Board member


Pink Line Real Estate Consultancy 

Pink Line Communication

Tristan Nieuwenhuis

Sustainability advisor


Tristan Nieuwenhuis is a technical advisor on the circular economy. With his knowledge and experience around certifications like BREEAM, LEED and GRESB, he is a unique and very valuable addition to the Blue Building Institute Team.

Based on his specialization in 'E', he advises companies on SFDR compliance, an essential part of ESG legislation. 

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Timo Wisse

Legal Team EU ESG

SFDR and CSRD Specialist


Timo specializes in ESG, CSRD and SFDR issues from a legal compliance perspective and helps companies formulate a meaningful ESG strategy, in which SFDR compliance is integrated where applicable, and pre-sorted for CSRD.


Ann-Marie Aguilar

BBI Advisory Board member


Senior Vice President EMEA International WELL Building Institute




Jules Bousema

Legal Team 

Real Estate Law & ESG



Jules focuses on construction law issues and European legislation and regulations regarding the 'greening of the economy', such as SFDR, CSRD and taxonomy. 

Roxane van t Hooft

Consulting & Communication



Roxane combines her knowledge and experience as 

business  & change management consultant and communication advisor with ESG value, strategy and implementation.




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Remko van der Wolf

Sustainability Advisor


Stam is a technical advisor on the circular economy, with a specialization in real estate.


Stam is a one BREEAM Assessor and construction LCA specialist.


Also he advises on issues of SFDR and Taxonomy compliance.



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